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题目举报答解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报Young kids are getting so obsessed with computer games, on line games that they don't care about their studies any .Short Essay on Disadvantages of Internet 200WordsThe brief essay on the topic 'Disadvantages ofthe Internet' is in English. Essay onDisadvantages of

英语internet的优点和缺点的文章因特网的弊端和优点用英语说他们的优点正是我们的缺点如何用英语表达网络的弊端英语【篇一:网络的利与弊(英语)】now many of my classmates like to surf the internet in their free time. i think internet can bring us both

英语模板:互联网的优点和缺点©无忧考网高中频道为大家整理的英语模板:互联网的优点和缺点,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站高中网sverydangerousforthem! TheInternet'weshouldmakegooduseofitandstayawayfromtheunhealthywebsites. 互联网正进入我们的生活。它带给我们的不仅是许多方便,幸福,而且麻烦。一些学生使用互联网作为一个太过研究。他们的意思是,一句话,一句翻译,事件或故事的背景,一个公司或一个